Monday, 2 June 2014

Beautiful Nature

                                                   A remarkable view of Niagara Falls

A few of my course mates and I recently went on a road trip to two major cities and three major water falls; The Tews falls, Webster falls and Niagara falls. Of all the water falls the most outstanding was the Niagara Falls. 
Upon arrival at the city of Niagara the rain started falling but that didn't deter us as we went into the one of the shops at the Niagara Falls and purchased rain coats and proceeded to the falls.
I have to tell you it was an incredible sight to behold, I haven’t seen anything as beautiful as that in a while. It made me believe in God the more. No wonder it is among the Seven Wonders of Canada.Everyone should go visit the breathtaking Niagara Falls even if it just once in their lifetime as it was indeed a great experience for me. In fact, I am planning to visit again the next time around I hope to spend the weekend.

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